“Jupiter’s Delight” – Remix after “ÜberBach” by Pantha Du Prince
The Remix flawlessly merge Bach’s revolutionary style, Safaian’s remarkable reimagining of the composer’s work and Pantha Du Prince’s singular approach to electronic composition. “Music is the transmitter that takes you to new places, reassures you and confuses you,” Weber concludes, “and when music lovers get more open, and their consciousness expands into new fields they’ve not considered experiencing, I adore that.” Is this a sign of an era when classical and electronic music will no longer be suspicious of one another? Safaian’s response is simple. “I think so. I hope so. Let´s work on it.”
Video by Jonas Vahl, shot in Mongolia on 35mm by DOP Max Pittner.
Production: Yannick Fauth // Le Berg